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Ketentuan penggunaan

Please review our Terms of Use before using our Website or Apps. By using them, you confirm your acceptance and agreement to comply with these terms. If you disagree, please refrain from using our services.

We may update these terms without separate notification. Please check them regularly.

Your use of the Website is governed by our Privacy Policy.

Our Website and Apps provide information about various vendors. Content and third-party offers are provided as-is, and we don't guarantee their accuracy.

These terms don't apply to the relationship between NoSecretSalon and vendors. Vendors, please refer to the Vendor Terms of Business.

Access to our services is temporary, and we can change or withdraw them without notice. Please use them for personal, non-commercial purposes.

Misuse of our services is prohibited, including introducing harmful code and unauthorized access attempts.

If you're 18 or older, you can create a User account for additional features.

You can post User-Generated Content (UGC) subject to our policy. We may edit or refuse publication. UGC is considered non-confidential.

You grant us a license to use your UGC. You must have all rights to the content.

You agree not to infringe copyrights or post harmful, offensive, or misleading content.

We have the right to suspend users for policy violations and report breaches to authorities.

Please see our Privacy Policy for data handling details.

Our Website may contain third-party content and links. We aren't responsible for third-party content.

We disclaim liability for reliance on our content.

We own intellectual property rights for our Website, Apps, and materials.

You can link to our Website for non-commercial purposes but must follow our guidelines.

We respect privacy. Please see our Privacy Policy for data handling details.

Our services are provided for users in various countries.

For inquiries, contact us.

For the full User Generated Content Policy, see our Website.